Unità Operativa Anno Titolo
Gastroenterologia2001Helicobacter pilori seroprevalence in hepatitis C virus positive patients with cirrhosis. The Como cross-sectional study
Gastroenterologia2001Hepatocyte proliferation and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhotic patients
Gastroenterologia2001Routine versus “on demand” sedation and analgesia for colonoscopy: a prospective randomized controlled trial
Gastroenterologia2001To biopsy or not biopsy
Gastroenterologia2001Treatment with interferon-a2b of naive non-cirrhotic patients with chronic hepatitis C according to viraemia and genotype. Results of a randomized multicenter study The North West Italian Hepatological Group
Gastroenterologia2001Virtual colonoscopy
Gastroenterologia2002Colonoscopy preparation: is there still room for senna?
Gastroenterologia2002Commento a: One-time screening for colorectal cancer with combined fecal occult-blood testing and examination of the distal colon. Lieberman DA et al. - N Engl J Med. 2001 Aug 23;345(8):555-60.
Gastroenterologia2002Gabexate or Somatostatin administration before ERCP patients at risk for post-intervention pancreatitis: a placebo-controlled, randomized, clinical trial
Gastroenterologia2002Helicobacter pylori and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug interactions in bleeding ulcers
Gastroenterologia2003Single bolus of midazolam versus bolus midazolam plus meperidine for colonoscopy : a prospective, randomized, double blind trial
Gastroenterologia2004Bleeding ectopic varices-treatment with transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) and embolisation
Gastroenterologia2004Easy ultrasound detection of retained videocapsule endoscopy
Gastroenterologia2004Extended/advanced monitoring techniques in gastrointestinal endoscopy
Gastroenterologia2004Is esophageal pH monitoring used appropriately in an open-access system? A prospective multicenter study
Gastroenterologia2004Prophylaxis of ERCP-related pancreatitis: a randomized, controlled trial of somatostatin and gabexate mesylate
Gastroenterologia2004Viral clearance in HCV viraemic patients with normal alanine aminotransferase after combination therapy: a controlled, open labelled study
Gastroenterologia2005Gender and disease activity influence health related quality of life in inflammatory bowel diseases
Gastroenterologia2005High dose senna comparated with conventional PEG-ES lavage as bowel preparation for elective colonscopy : a prospective, randomized, investigator blinded trial
Gastroenterologia2005Increased prevalence of migraine in patients with uninvestigated dyspepsia referred for open-access upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
Gastroenterologia2005Is the supine position as safe and effective as the prone position for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography? A prospective randomized study
Gastroenterologia2005Prevalence of Helicobacter pilori infection and intestinal metaplasia in subjects who had undergone surgery for gastric adenocarcinoma in Northwest Italy
Gastroenterologia2005The model for end-stage liver disease-should it replace Child Pugh’s classification for assessing prognosis in cirrhosis?
Gastroenterologia2006"Appropriateness" or "prioritization" for GI endoscopic procedures?
Gastroenterologia2006Nutritional status and prognosis in cirrhotic patients
Gastroenterologia2006Segmental colitis associated with diverticula : a 7 years follow up study
Gastroenterologia2007Bowel care in the elderly
Gastroenterologia2007Effectiveness of a continuous quality improvement program on colonoscopy practice
Gastroenterologia2007Factors associated with incomplete colonoscopy: further information from a large prospective Italian survey
Gastroenterologia2007Lack of colonic neoplastic lesions in patients under 50 years of age with hematochezia. A multicenter prospective study
Gastroenterologia2007Late intrahepatic ematoma complicating transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt for Budd-Chiari Syndrome
Gastroenterologia2007Pregnancy before and after diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease: retrospective case-control study.
Gastroenterologia2008Reprocessing in digestive endoscopy units in Lombardy: Results of a regional survey.
Gastroenterologia2008Technical performance of colonoscopy: the key role of sedation/analgesia and other quality indicators
Gastroenterologia2011Anticoagulant or aspirin treatment does not affect the positive predictive value of an immunological fecal occult blood test in patients undergoing colorectal cancer screening: results from a nested in a cohort case-control study.
Gastroenterologia2011Diagnosis, treatment and survival of patients with hepatorenal syndrome: a survey on daily medical practice.
Gastroenterologia2011Dual cut-off transient elastography to assess liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis B: a cohort study with internal validation
Gastroenterologia2011Interobserver agreement in describing video capsule endoscopy findings: a multicentre prospective study.
Gastroenterologia2011Management of warfarin-associated coagulopathy in patients with acute gastrointestinal bleeding: a cross-sectional physician survey of current practice.
Gastroenterologia2011Removal of infused water predominantly during insertion (water exchange) is consistently associated with an increase in adenoma detection rate - review of data in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of water-related methods
Gastroenterologia2011Sedation and monitoring for gastrointestinal endoscopy: a nationwide web survey in Italy.
Gastroenterologia2012A predictive model identifies patients most likely to have inadequate bowel preparation for colonoscopy.
Gastroenterologia2012Can we improve the detection rate and interobserver agreement in capsule endoscopy?
Gastroenterologia2012Colon capsule endoscopy: European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) Guideline.
Gastroenterologia2012Diagnostic yield of small-bowel capsule endoscopy in patients with iron-deficiency anemia: a systematic review.
Gastroenterologia2012Double-balloon endoscopy in clinical practice: where are we now?
Gastroenterologia2012Multicentre observational study of the natural history of left-sided acute diverticulitis.
Gastroenterologia2012Overutilization of post-polypectomy surveillance colonoscopy in clinical practice: a prospective, multicentre study.
Gastroenterologia2012Resect and discard strategy in clinical practice: a prospective study.
Gastroenterologia2012Unsedated colonoscopy: a neverending story.

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Sistema Sanitario Regione Lombardia