Unità Operativa Anno Titolo
Neurologia2003Clinical, morphological and immunological evaluation of six patients with dysferlin deficiency
Neurologia2003Mutation analysis of the lamin A/C gene (LMNA) among patients with differente cardiomuscular phenotypes
Neurologia2003Reproductive life milestones in women with Parkinson's disease.
Neurologia2003Schizophreniform disorder with cerebropsinal fluid PCR posotivity for herpes simplex virus type
Ostetricia2003Spontaneous uterine rupture with amniotic sac protrusion at 28 weeks subsequent to previous hysteroscopic metroplasty
Pronto Soccorso2003Noninvasive ventilation in cardiogenic pulmonary edema
Cardiologia2004Prevalence of atrial thrombi in patients with atrial fibrillation/flutter and subtherapeutic anticoagulation prior to cardioversion
Chirurgia2004La ricanalizzazione del colon dopo intervento di Hartmann. Un impegno per il chirurgo e una strategia da cambiare?
Chirurgia2004The mesenteric and antimesenteric location of colorectal cancer: the relationship with lymph nodes
Gastroenterologia2004Bleeding ectopic varices-treatment with transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) and embolisation
Gastroenterologia2004Easy ultrasound detection of retained videocapsule endoscopy
Gastroenterologia2004Extended/advanced monitoring techniques in gastrointestinal endoscopy
Gastroenterologia2004Is esophageal pH monitoring used appropriately in an open-access system? A prospective multicenter study
Gastroenterologia2004Prophylaxis of ERCP-related pancreatitis: a randomized, controlled trial of somatostatin and gabexate mesylate
Gastroenterologia2004Viral clearance in HCV viraemic patients with normal alanine aminotransferase after combination therapy: a controlled, open labelled study
Laboratorio Analisi2004Biological effects of the dual phenotypic Janus mutation of ret cosegregating with both multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 and Hirschsprung's disease.
Laboratorio Analisi2004Differential requirement of Tyr1062 multidocking site by RET isoforms to promote neural cell scattering and epithelial cell branching.
Laboratorio Analisi2004RET activation in medullary carcinomas (NO ABSTRACT)
Medicina Riabilitativa2004Efficacy of glossopharyngeal breathing for a ventilator dependent high-level tetraplegic patient status-post cervical cord tumor resection and tracheotomy
Medicina Riabilitativa2004Selective neuromuscular blocks and chemoneurolysis in the localized treatment of spasticity
Medicina Riabilitativa2004Use of botulinum toxin type A in management of adult spasticity. A European consensus statement
Medicina: U.O.S. Oncoematologia2004Second line treatment therapy with weekly low-dose docetaxel for pretreated non small cell lung carcinoma patients: a multicenter Italian phase II study
Medicina: U.O.S. Oncoematologia2004The VAD-DCEP sequence is an effective pre-transplant therapy in untreated multiple myeloma
Pediatria/Neonatologia/Patologia neonatale2004Assessing mortality risk in very low birthweight infants: a comparison of CRIB, CRIB-II, and SNAPPE-II.
Pronto Soccorso2004Myocardial infarction rate in acute pulmonary edema: non-invasive pressure support ventilation versus continuous positive airway pressure
Pronto Soccorso2004Prevalence and prognostic role of cardiovascular complications in patients with exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease admitted to Italian respiratory intensive care units
Anatomia e Istologia Patologica e Citodiagnostica2005Intratumor T cells, their activation status and survival in gastric carcinomas characterized for microsatellite instability and Epstein Barr virus infection
Anatomia e Istologia Patologica e Citodiagnostica2005Malignant cervical teratoma: report of a case in a newborn
Chirurgia2005Rottura spontanea di emangioma gigante sottocapsulare del fegato con emoperitoneo e shock emorragico: presentazione di un caso clinico
Gastroenterologia2005Gender and disease activity influence health related quality of life in inflammatory bowel diseases
Gastroenterologia2005High dose senna comparated with conventional PEG-ES lavage as bowel preparation for elective colonscopy : a prospective, randomized, investigator blinded trial
Gastroenterologia2005Increased prevalence of migraine in patients with uninvestigated dyspepsia referred for open-access upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
Gastroenterologia2005Is the supine position as safe and effective as the prone position for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography? A prospective randomized study
Gastroenterologia2005Prevalence of Helicobacter pilori infection and intestinal metaplasia in subjects who had undergone surgery for gastric adenocarcinoma in Northwest Italy
Gastroenterologia2005The model for end-stage liver disease-should it replace Child Pugh’s classification for assessing prognosis in cirrhosis?
Gastroenterologia - Anatomia e Istologia Patologica e Citodiagnostica2005Ischemic colitis associated with rofecoxib
Laboratorio Analisi2005A wide role for NOTCH1 signaling in acute leukemia.
Laboratorio Analisi2005RET tyrosine kinase signaling in development and cancer.
Medicina2005Clinical experience with retrievable vena cava filters: results of a prospective observational multicenter study
Medicina e Ostetricia2005Pregnancy-associated deep vein thrombosis in a double homozygous carrier of factor V Leiden and prothrombin
Medicina Riabilitativa2005Instrumental evaluation of gait modifications before and during intrathecal baclofen therapy: a 2-year follow-up case study.
Medicina Riabilitativa2005Paroxysmal episodic hypothalamic instability with hypothermia after traumatic brain injury
Medicina Riabilitativa2005Taping versus electrical stimulation after botulinum toxin type A injection for wrist and finger spasticity. A case-control study.
Neurologia2005A case of short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache with conjunctival injection and tearing (SUNCT). Discussion of clinical features and differential diagnosis
Neurologia2005E-selectin A561C and G98T polymorphisms influence susceptibility and course of multiple sclerosis.
Pronto Soccorso2005Noninvasive pressure support ventilation vs. continuous positive airway pressure in acute hypercapnic pulmonary edema
Anatomia Patologica2006Molecular diagnosis of non-Hodgkin B lymphomas by capillary electrophoresis and Genescan analysis: a molecular pathology laboratory experience
Anatomia Patologica2006Pattern and distribution of immunoglobulin VH gene usage in a cohort of B-CLL patients from a Northeastern region of Italy
Cardiologia2006A medical therapy for aortic valve sclerosis and aortic valve stenosis? Rationale of the ASSIST study (Asymptomatic aortic Sclerosis/Stenosis: Influence of STatins): a large, observational, prospective, multicenter study of the Italian Society of Cardiova
Cardiologia2006Echocardiography in atrial fibrillation

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Sistema Sanitario Regione Lombardia