Unitą Operativa Anno Titolo
Cardiologia2006Forame ovale pervio, eventi ischemici cerebrali ed ecografia cardiovascolare: metodologia diagnostica e appropriatezza delle indicazioni
Cardiologia - Neurologia2006Left Ventricular Hypertrabeculation/Noncompaction with PMP22 Duplication-Based Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Type 1A
Chirurgia2006Le fistole anastomotiche dopo resezioni coliche e rettali per neoplasia. Incidenza e trattamento nella nostra esperienza recente
Chirurgia - Anatomia e Istologia Patologica e Citodiagnostica2006Submucosal lymphangioma: an unusual case with oscure gastrointestinal bleeding in an adult, detected by video-capsule endoscopi and treated by laparoscopy
Gastroenterologia2006"Appropriateness" or "prioritization" for GI endoscopic procedures?
Gastroenterologia2006Nutritional status and prognosis in cirrhotic patients
Gastroenterologia2006Segmental colitis associated with diverticula : a 7 years follow up study
Medicina: U.O.S. Oncoematologia2006Feasibility of sequential Therapy with FOLFIRI Followed by Docetaxel-Cisplatin in patients with Radically Resected Gastric Adenocarcinoma
Medicina: U.O.S. Oncoematologia2006Thrombosis related complications and mortality in cancer patients with central venous devices: an observational study on effect of antithrombotic prophylaxis
Neurologia2006Absence of cerebrospinal fluid oligoclonal bands is associated with delayed disability progression in relapsing-remitting MS patients treated with interferon-beta.
Neurologia2006Acute Encephalopathies
Pronto Soccorso2006Management of acute pulmonary edema in Emergency Departments
Cardiologia2007The chronic heart failure is not so frequent in non-compaction
Cardiologia2007Ventricular tachycardia in non-compaction of left ventricle: is this a frequent complication?
Cardiologia - Medicina - Diagnostica per Immagini2007A case of left ventricular thrombosis in a patient with beta-thalassemia major
Chirurgia2007The mesenteric and antimesenteric site of the tumor as possible prognostic factor in colorectal cancer: 5-year survival analysis
Gastroenterologia2007Bowel care in the elderly
Gastroenterologia2007Effectiveness of a continuous quality improvement program on colonoscopy practice
Gastroenterologia2007Factors associated with incomplete colonoscopy: further information from a large prospective Italian survey
Gastroenterologia2007Lack of colonic neoplastic lesions in patients under 50 years of age with hematochezia. A multicenter prospective study
Gastroenterologia2007Late intrahepatic ematoma complicating transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt for Budd-Chiari Syndrome
Gastroenterologia2007Pregnancy before and after diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease: retrospective case-control study.
Medicina Riabilitativa2007Cardiac response to robotic assisted locomotion in normal subjects: a preliminary study.
Neurologia2007Frovatriptan vs. transdermal estrogens or naproxen sodium for short-term. Prophylaxis of menstrual migraine.
Oculistica2007Indocyanine green angiography in Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease: angiographic signs and utility in patient follow-up
Oculistica2007Work-up, diagnosis and management of acute Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease: a case of acute myopization with granulomatous uveitis
Pediatria/Neonatologia/Patologia neonatale2007Antenatal steroids and risk of bronchopulmonary dysplasia: a lack of effect or a case of over-adjustment?
Pediatria/Neonatologia/Patologia neonatale2007Clinical score of 62 Italian patients with Cornelia de Lange syndrome and correlations with the presence and typeof NIPBL mutation.
UOC Cardiologia2007The chronic heart failure is not so frequent in non-compaction.
UOC Cardiologia2007Ventricular tachycardia in non-compaction of left ventricle: is this a frequent complication?
UOC Cardiologia/Pronto Soccorso2007Tilt testing potentiated with sublingual nitroglycerin in children with unexplained syncope.
UOC Cardiologia/UOC Medicina/Diagnostica per Immagini2007A case of left ventricular thrombosis in a patient with beta-thalassemia major
Cardiologia2008Anticoagulant drugs in noncompaction: a mandatory therapy?
Cardiologia2008Left ventricular congenital submitral aneurysm.
Cardiologia2008Left ventricular congenital submitral aneurysm.
Cardiologia2008Supraventricular arrhythmias in noncompaction of left ventricle: is this a frequent complication?
Cardiologia2008Supraventricular arrhythmias in noncompaction of left ventricle: is this a frequent complication?
Cardiologia - Chirurgia - Diagnostica per Immagini2008Giant cystic pheochromocytoma
Gastroenterologia2008Reprocessing in digestive endoscopy units in Lombardy: Results of a regional survey.
Gastroenterologia2008Technical performance of colonoscopy: the key role of sedation/analgesia and other quality indicators
Laboratorio Analisi2008Down-regulation of Notch1 expression is involved in HL-60 cell growth inhibition induced by 4-hydroxynonenal, a product of lipid peroxidation.
Laboratorio Analisi2008Reciprocal regulation of Notch and PI3K/Akt signalling in T-ALL cells in vitro.
Laboratorio Analisi2008Use of the DiversiLab semiautomated repetitive-sequence-based polymerase chain reaction for epidemiologic analysis on Acinetobacter baumannii isolates in different Italian hospitals
Medicina2008Prothrombin complex concentrates for urgent anticoagulation reversal in patients with intracranial haemorrhage
Medicina Riabilitativa2008Cycling induced by functional electrical stimulation improves the muscular strength and the motor control of individuals with post-acute stroke. Europa Medicophysica-SIMFER 2007 Award Winner.
Medicina Riabilitativa2008Cycling, a tool for locomotor recovery after motor lesions?
Medicina Riabilitativa2008Using kinematic analysis to evaluate constraint-induced movement therapy in chronic stroke patients.
Neurologia2008MRI activity and neutralising antibody as predictors of response to interferon beta treatment in multiple sclerosis.
Neurologia2008Outcome measures and prognostic indicators in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Neurologia2008The OPTimization of interferon for MS study: 375 microg interferon beta-1b in suboptimal responders.

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Sistema Sanitario Regione Lombardia