Unità Operativa Anno Titolo
Gastroenterologia2006"Appropriateness" or "prioritization" for GI endoscopic procedures?
Medicina Riabilitativa2011"cycling induced by electrical stimulation improves motor recovery in postacute hemiparetic patients: a randomized controlled trial. "
Medicina Riabilitativa2012"Cycling induced by electrical stimulation improves muscle activation and symmetry during pedaling in hemiparetic patients. "
Medicina Riabilitativa2010"Design of a symmetry controller for cycling induced by electrical stimulation: preliminary results on post-acute stroke patients. "
Pediatria/Neonatologia/Patologia neonatale2008[Mycoplasma pneumoniae encephalitis in immunocompetent child]
Medicina Riabilitativa2011A biofeedback cycling training to improve locomotion: a case series study based on gait pattern classification of 153 chronic stroke patients.
Cardiologia - Medicina - Diagnostica per Immagini2007A case of left ventricular thrombosis in a patient with beta-thalassemia major
UOC Cardiologia/UOC Medicina/Diagnostica per Immagini2007A case of left ventricular thrombosis in a patient with beta-thalassemia major
Neurologia2005A case of short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache with conjunctival injection and tearing (SUNCT). Discussion of clinical features and differential diagnosis
Gastroenterologia2001A comparison of colonoscopy and double contrast barium enema for surveillance after polypectomy
UOC Cardiologia2011A critical reappraisal of differences in cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator effectiveness between men and women in the MADIT-CRT trial.
UOC Cardiologia2014A high-volume single center experience of no-reflow post-percutaneous coronary intervention.
Medicina Riabilitativa2009A mechatronic device for the rehabilitation of ankle motor function.
Cardiologia2006A medical therapy for aortic valve sclerosis and aortic valve stenosis? Rationale of the ASSIST study (Asymptomatic aortic Sclerosis/Stenosis: Influence of STatins): a large, observational, prospective, multicenter study of the Italian Society of Cardiova
Medicina Riabilitativa2011A novel biofeedback cycling training to improve gait symmetry in stroke patients: a case series study.
Gastroenterologia2012A predictive model identifies patients most likely to have inadequate bowel preparation for colonoscopy.
Gastroenterologia2001A randomized 4-arm multicenter study of interferon alfa-2b plus ribavirin in the treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis C not responding to interferon alone
Neurologia2015A RCT Comparing Specific Intensive Cognitive Training to Aspecific Psychological Intervention in RRMS: The SMICT Study.
Laboratorio Analisi2005A wide role for NOTCH1 signaling in acute leukemia.
Neurologia2006Absence of cerebrospinal fluid oligoclonal bands is associated with delayed disability progression in relapsing-remitting MS patients treated with interferon-beta.
Anatomia Patologica2000Absent innervation of skin and sweat glands in congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis
UOC Gastroenterologia/Diagnostica per Immagini2013Accuracy of Capsule Colonoscopy and Computed Tomographic Colonography in Individuals With Positive Results From the Fecal Occult Blood Test.
Gastroenterologia - Diagnostica per Immagini2014Accuracy of capsule colonoscopy and computed tomographic colonography in individuals with positive results from the fecal occult blood test.
UOC Gastroenterologia2013Accuracy of narrow-band imaging in predicting colonoscopy surveillance intervals and histology of distal diminutive polyps: results from a multicenter, prospective trial.
Pronto Soccorso2002Acute effects of non-invasive support on functional mitral regurgitation in patients with exacerbation of congestive heart failure
Neurologia2006Acute Encephalopathies
Gastroenterologia2014Advances in the removal of diminutive colorectal polyps.
Neurologia2010Air pollution positively correlates with daily stroke admission and in hospital Mortality: a study in the urban area of Como.
UOC Cardiologia2013An accordion not to be played.
UOC Gastroenterologia/UOC Chirurgia2014An Unusual Case of Abdominal Distension.
UOC Cardiologia/UOC Neurologia/Anatomia Patologica2013An unusual cause of ischemic stroke with successful thrombolysis.
UOC Gastroenterologia/Diagnostica per Immagini2013An unusual double-balloon enteroscopy finding: duodenal perforation by an inferior vena cava filter.
Pediatria/Neonatologia/Patologia neonatale2012Analgesic and sedative drugs in newborns requiring respiratory support.
Chirurgia2014Anastomotic leakage following colorectal resection for cancer: how to define, manage and treat it.
UOC Gastroenterologia/UOC Chirurgia2014Anastomotic leakage following colorectal resection for cancer: how to define, manage and treat it.
Chirurgia - U.O.S. Oncoematologia2000Angiosarcoma of the breast after conservative surgery and radiotherapy for early breast carcinoma. Description of a case
Pediatria/Neonatologia/Patologia neonatale2007Antenatal steroids and risk of bronchopulmonary dysplasia: a lack of effect or a case of over-adjustment?
Cardiologia2008Anticoagulant drugs in noncompaction: a mandatory therapy?
UOC Cardiologia2008Anticoagulant drugs in noncompaction: a mandatory therapy?
Gastroenterologia2011Anticoagulant or aspirin treatment does not affect the positive predictive value of an immunological fecal occult blood test in patients undergoing colorectal cancer screening: results from a nested in a cohort case-control study.
Medicina2012Aspirin for preventing the recurrence of venous thromboembolism.
Pediatria/Neonatologia/Patologia neonatale2004Assessing mortality risk in very low birthweight infants: a comparison of CRIB, CRIB-II, and SNAPPE-II.
UOC Cardiologia2008Atrial fibrillation in recipients of cardiac resynchronization therapy device: 1-year results of the randomized MASCOT trial.
UOC Gastroenterologia2013Authors' reply to: comment to "variation of quality of colonoscopy in Italy over five years: a nation-wide observational study".
Neurologia2001Beta-enolase deficiency, a new metabolic myopathy of distal glycolysis
Laboratorio Analisi2004Biological effects of the dual phenotypic Janus mutation of ret cosegregating with both multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 and Hirschsprung's disease.
Gastroenterologia2004Bleeding ectopic varices-treatment with transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) and embolisation
Laboratorio Analisi2001Bmx tyrosine kinase has a redundant function downstream of angiopoietin and vascular endothelial growth factor receptors in arterial endothelium.
Gastroenterologia2007Bowel care in the elderly
Pediatria/Neonatologia/Patologia neonatale2009Bronchopulmonary dysplasia and brain white matter damage in the preterm infant: a complex relationship.

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Sistema Sanitario Regione Lombardia