Unità Operativa Anno Titolo
Medicina2011Emergency reversal of anticoagulation with a three-factor prothrombin complex concentrate in patients with intracranial haemorrhage
UOC Gastroenterologia/UOC Chirurgia2013Endoscopic treatment of rectal pocket syndrome.
Neurologia2013Endovascular treatment for acute ischemic stroke.
Laboratorio Analisi2012Erythroleukemia presenting with myeloid sarcoma of the lung as detected by immunophenotypic analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid.
Neurologia2005E-selectin A561C and G98T polymorphisms influence susceptibility and course of multiple sclerosis.
Medicina Riabilitativa2003European consensus statement on the use of botulinum toxin type A in the management of adult spasticity
Gastroenterologia2013Evaluation of 4 three-dimensional representation algorithms in capsule endoscopy images.
Gastroenterologia2004Extended/advanced monitoring techniques in gastrointestinal endoscopy
Medicina Riabilitativa2010Extensor hallucis longus transfer as an alternative to split transfer of the tibialis anterior tendon to correct equinovarus foot in hemiplegic patients without overactivity of tibialis anterior.
Neurologia2015Extrapyramidal and cognitive signs in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A population based cross-sectional study.
Gastroenterologia2007Factors associated with incomplete colonoscopy: further information from a large prospective Italian survey
Medicina: U.O.S. Oncoematologia2006Feasibility of sequential Therapy with FOLFIRI Followed by Docetaxel-Cisplatin in patients with Radically Resected Gastric Adenocarcinoma
Gastroenterologia2001Flat and depressed colonic neoplasms: a prospective study of 1000 colonoscopies in the United Kingdom
Medicina Riabilitativa2011fMRI brain mapping during motion capture and FES induced motor tasks: signal to noise ratio assessment.
Cardiologia2006Forame ovale pervio, eventi ischemici cerebrali ed ecografia cardiovascolare: metodologia diagnostica e appropriatezza delle indicazioni
Neurologia2007Frovatriptan vs. transdermal estrogens or naproxen sodium for short-term. Prophylaxis of menstrual migraine.
Medicina Riabilitativa2011Functioning and disability in traumatic brain injury: the Italian patient perspective in developing ICF Core Sets.
Anatomia e Istologia Patologica e Citodiagnostica2001Fundic gland polyps and gynecological malignancies
Gastroenterologia2002Gabexate or Somatostatin administration before ERCP patients at risk for post-intervention pancreatitis: a placebo-controlled, randomized, clinical trial
Gastroenterologia2000Gastrointestinal tolerability of ibuprofen administered in two pharmaceutical formulations
Laboratorio Analisi2003GDNF promotes tubulogenesis of GFRalpha1-expressing MDCK cells by Src-mediated phosphorylation of Met receptor tyrosine kinase.
Gastroenterologia2005Gender and disease activity influence health related quality of life in inflammatory bowel diseases
Cardiologia - Chirurgia - Diagnostica per Immagini2008Giant cystic pheochromocytoma
UOC Cardiologia/UOC Chirurgia/Diagnostica per Immagini2008Giant cystic pheochromocytoma.
Pediatria/Neonatologia/Patologia neonatale2009Guidelines for procedural pain in the newborn.
Neurologia2015Headache in cerebral venous thrombosis associated with extracranial tumors: a clinical series.
Gastroenterologia2001Helicobacter pilori seroprevalence in hepatitis C virus positive patients with cirrhosis. The Como cross-sectional study
Gastroenterologia2002Helicobacter pylori and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug interactions in bleeding ulcers
Gastroenterologia2001Hepatocyte proliferation and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhotic patients
Gastroenterologia2005High dose senna comparated with conventional PEG-ES lavage as bowel preparation for elective colonscopy : a prospective, randomized, investigator blinded trial
Gastroenterologia2015Higher adenoma recurrence rate after left- versus right-sided colectomy for colon cancer.
UOC Cardiologia2011High-sensitivity C-reactive protein is within normal levels at the very onset of first ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction in 41% of cases: a multiethnic case-control study.
Neurologia2011How parkinsonism influences life: the patients' point of view.
UOC Cardiologia2013How should I treat a left main spontaneous dissection involving left anterior descending artery, intermediate branch artery and left circumflex artery?
UOC Gastroenterologia2013Hyoscine N-butylbromide for adenoma detection during colonoscopy: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
Gastroenterologia2005Increased prevalence of migraine in patients with uninvestigated dyspepsia referred for open-access upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
Oculistica2007Indocyanine green angiography in Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease: angiographic signs and utility in patient follow-up
Medicina Riabilitativa2005Instrumental evaluation of gait modifications before and during intrathecal baclofen therapy: a 2-year follow-up case study.
Gastroenterologia2011Interobserver agreement in describing video capsule endoscopy findings: a multicentre prospective study.
Neurologia2010Intra-arterial or intravenous thrombolysis for acute ischemic stroke? The SYNTHESIS pilot trial.
Anatomia e Istologia Patologica e Citodiagnostica2005Intratumor T cells, their activation status and survival in gastric carcinomas characterized for microsatellite instability and Epstein Barr virus infection
Cardiologia2011Intraventricular Muscular Septal Defect: A Possible Result of Spontaneous Closure of Interventricular Communication.
UOC Cardiologia/Diagnostica per Immagini2011Intraventricular muscular septal defect: a possible result of spontaneous closure of interventricular communication.
Neurologia2002IP-10 and MCP-1 levels in CSF and serum from multiple sclerosis patients with different clinical subtypes of the disease
Gastroenterologia2004Is esophageal pH monitoring used appropriately in an open-access system? A prospective multicenter study
Gastroenterologia2005Is the supine position as safe and effective as the prone position for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography? A prospective randomized study
Gastroenterologia - Anatomia e Istologia Patologica e Citodiagnostica2005Ischemic colitis associated with rofecoxib
UOC Cardiologia2010Isolated native tricuspid valve endocarditis due to group A beta-hemolytic Streptococcus without drug addiction
Laboratorio Analisi2001Key role of Shc signaling in the transforming pathway triggered by Ret/ptc2 oncoprotein.
Chirurgia2004La ricanalizzazione del colon dopo intervento di Hartmann. Un impegno per il chirurgo e una strategia da cambiare?

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