Unitą Operativa Anno Titolo
Anatomia Patologica2000Absent innervation of skin and sweat glands in congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis
Neurologia2006Absence of cerebrospinal fluid oligoclonal bands is associated with delayed disability progression in relapsing-remitting MS patients treated with interferon-beta.
Laboratorio Analisi2005A wide role for NOTCH1 signaling in acute leukemia.
Neurologia2015A RCT Comparing Specific Intensive Cognitive Training to Aspecific Psychological Intervention in RRMS: The SMICT Study.
Gastroenterologia2001A randomized 4-arm multicenter study of interferon alfa-2b plus ribavirin in the treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis C not responding to interferon alone
Gastroenterologia2012A predictive model identifies patients most likely to have inadequate bowel preparation for colonoscopy.
Medicina Riabilitativa2011A novel biofeedback cycling training to improve gait symmetry in stroke patients: a case series study.
Cardiologia2006A medical therapy for aortic valve sclerosis and aortic valve stenosis? Rationale of the ASSIST study (Asymptomatic aortic Sclerosis/Stenosis: Influence of STatins): a large, observational, prospective, multicenter study of the Italian Society of Cardiova
Medicina Riabilitativa2009A mechatronic device for the rehabilitation of ankle motor function.
UOC Cardiologia2014A high-volume single center experience of no-reflow post-percutaneous coronary intervention.
UOC Cardiologia2011A critical reappraisal of differences in cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator effectiveness between men and women in the MADIT-CRT trial.
Gastroenterologia2001A comparison of colonoscopy and double contrast barium enema for surveillance after polypectomy
Neurologia2005A case of short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache with conjunctival injection and tearing (SUNCT). Discussion of clinical features and differential diagnosis
Cardiologia - Medicina - Diagnostica per Immagini2007A case of left ventricular thrombosis in a patient with beta-thalassemia major
UOC Cardiologia/UOC Medicina/Diagnostica per Immagini2007A case of left ventricular thrombosis in a patient with beta-thalassemia major
Medicina Riabilitativa2011A biofeedback cycling training to improve locomotion: a case series study based on gait pattern classification of 153 chronic stroke patients.
Pediatria/Neonatologia/Patologia neonatale2008[Mycoplasma pneumoniae encephalitis in immunocompetent child]
Medicina Riabilitativa2010"Design of a symmetry controller for cycling induced by electrical stimulation: preliminary results on post-acute stroke patients. "
Medicina Riabilitativa2012"Cycling induced by electrical stimulation improves muscle activation and symmetry during pedaling in hemiparetic patients. "
Medicina Riabilitativa2011"cycling induced by electrical stimulation improves motor recovery in postacute hemiparetic patients: a randomized controlled trial. "
Gastroenterologia2006"Appropriateness" or "prioritization" for GI endoscopic procedures?

Indietro [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Sistema Sanitario Regione Lombardia